Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Venom and Vice (Of Myth & Man, #2), Jill Ramsower

 Venom and Vice (Of Myth & Man, #2)

By: Jill Ramsower

My Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Ashley was thrown into the world of magic and supernatural beings when her best friend Becca took a job in Belfast. Born a human, upon her death, the Fae magician known as Merlin gave her a second chance at life as a Fae. Ash must learn how to use and control her new magical abilities. She is excited to see what her new life has in store for her. That is where Casek enters in to the situation.

Casek is a broody Fae and member of the Hunt. For many, many, many years it has been one of his responsibilities to monitor Fae activity on Earth and ensure the safety of the human population. His boss, Lochlan, has assigned Cas the task of mentoring Ashley as well as protecting her. Can the two of them work together without killing each other or will the chemistry that has been brewing between the couple lead to something more.

I was provided an Advance Reader Copy from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.

I completely enjoyed the first installment of this series but, if it's possible, I think I loved Ashley and Casek's story even more. I entered Venom and Vice with a complete understanding of the backstory and got to focus on the relationship that was developing between Casek and Ashley. At times Casek's archaic ways were a bit overwhelming but as the story developed so did he as a person. Ashley's headstrong personality is a perfect match for Cas; throughout the story she was able to go toe to toe with him both mentally and physically. And the chemistry between the couple was off the charts steamy. This series is unique in its mythology. I love the way Ramsower has taken Arthurian legend and weaved in to it a supernatural story with beings that are already familiar. I look forward to the next installment.

This book will be released May 2, 2022 but is available for pre-order now.


Sunday, April 17, 2022

Wicked Beauty (Dark Olympus, #3), Katee Robert


Wicked Beauty (Dark Olympus, #3)

By: Katee Robert

My Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Helen Kasios is looking to establish her own niche amongst the ruling elite of Olympus. She wants to be known for more than her beauty, more than the daughter of the old Zeus and sister to the new Zeus. She wants to earn her way into the core circle of the Thirteen based on merit. Helen's father was overly demanding, controlling of every aspect of her life, and he only saw his daughter as a pawn to be played and used to advance his agenda. After her father died Helen had hoped her brother would rule differently but he does not. Upon the death of Ares a competition is announced for Ares replacement. Helen sees this as her chance to break away and become more. Unfortunately, her brother sees this as an opportunity for himself as well. The night the champions throw their names in to the hat to compete for the title of Ares, Zeus announces the winner will receive as an additional prize Helen's hand in marriage.

Helen is not the only person in Olympus who sees the role of Ares as an opportunity to rise above their station. Achilles Kallis has lived a hard life. Orphaned as a baby he has fought many battles to earn his current position as Athena's second in command. His partner Patroclus Fotos has lived somewhat of a charmed life. His mothers raised him on the outskirts of Olympus, far away from the scheming, meddling, and politics of the Thirteen. Patroclus will do anything for Achilles, including entering his name in the competition so he can watch Achilles back and double his lover's chances at winning the title of Ares.

I received and Advanced Reader Copy from Netgalley and the publisher for an honest review.

This is the third installment of Katee Robert's 'Dark Olympus' series and I easily and energetically give the whole series thus far a 5 out of 5 thumbs up. 'Wicked Beauty' was on my to be read list and it did not disappoint. I love a well written and original retelling of any mythos and Roberts has gone above and beyond to create a unique world with well developed and thought out character backgrounds. If you were to remove the well known Greek Mythological titles these tales would still stand on their own as entertaining and engaging stories. 

Understanding the true story of Helen of Troy, her relationship with Paris, the battle Hector took on to save his brother, and Achilles and Patroclus' role in the battle of Troy I found it difficult to put aside my already developed bias towards certain characters. Helen's beauty was so well known it launched a thousand ships filled with warriors to come battle on behalf of her defense. One can't help but feel a little bit of hate for someone that beautiful, ok maybe more than a little. I already had preconceived thoughts of Paris as a spoiled brat who demanded to get his way or else. He was always the rash little brother and Hector was the brave older brother cleaning up the messes and standing up to the defend his family and country. Hector took this on even if he wasn't one hundred percent behind the actions Paris had taken. Putting all of these thoughts aside, Robert's writes Helen to be not only beautiful on the outside but someone to take notice of on the inside as well. Her whole life Helen has had to project a public persona that appears shallow and self serving in order to survive against the ravages of life in Olympus. Somehow she has not let that falseness consumer her. Achilles initially comes across as cocky and full of himself. I wanted to hate him but once that exterior came down I realized that was a hard protective shell he had had to develop to survive. Patroclus is the sweetheart of the group that pulls the triad together; he is the lovable glue. By the end of 'Wicked Beauty' I loved all three so much and understood each's potential to lead as Ares that I wasn't sure who I was rooting for to win the title of Ares!

This book is currently available for pre-order and will officially be released on June 7, 2022.

Purchase on Amazon

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Curse and Craving (Of Myth and Man, #1), Jill Ramsower


Curse and Craving (Of Myth and Man, #1)

By: Jill Ramsower

My Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Rebecca is surprised when she lands a job with a museum in Belfast Ireland. She is fresh out of college, has no experience but she hopes that this job will be the beginning of her dream career. Upon arriving in Ireland she discovers that the world isn't quite what she has always known it to be. Fae and other supernatural beings really do exist. 

Lochlan is a member of The Hunt. He and his warrior team of Fae work together to guard the boarder between the realms. Becca relies on Lochlan to teach her all she needs to know about her new world to battle evil forces. Unfortunately there are things about the Fae that Becca is struggling to come to terms with. Becca contemplates leaving Ireland and all her new troubles behind her but she is concerned that they will just follow her back to the United States and to her family.

I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review:

Jill Ramsower has taken a very interesting fantasy trope and put a unique spin on it; at least unique to me. Ramsower has taken Irish folklore, merged it with Arthurian characters and storylines while throwing in a sprinkling of Norse and Greek mythology. With so many different backgrounds merged into one story there could be a concern that things would become muddied but Ramsower manages to balance all the different themes very nicely. The character development and world building was well thought out, we get a real feel for Becca, where she comes from, her painful past, and her battles to come. This story was original, easy to read, and was very engaging. There is resolution to Becca and Lochlan's storyline. The next installment of the series will focus in on two other characters who appeared in this first book. I look forward to Ashley and Casek's story.



Saturday, April 2, 2022

A Christmas House Wedding, Victoria James


A Christmas House Wedding

By: Victoria James

My Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

This story is a continuation of Victoria James's 'A Christmas House'. In the first installment we meet Ruby Harris, grandmother to both Charlotte and Olivia. Ruby has had a difficult and lonely life. She raised both her granddaughters when her daughter left them on her doorstep. Throughout it all she learned to give to those less fortunate than herself. As such, every Christmas, Ruby opens her door to those in need of a place to be for dinner. At the end of the first book a long lost love showed up on her door step Christmas Day. Now her and Harry are getting engaged to be married on Christmas Eve. 

Olivia struggled with the abandonment by both her father and then her mother. She never developed her self-worth. Her ex-husband, Will, only perpetuated her issues by being mentally and emotionally abusive. To compound issues he cheated on her with so many different women. Once Olivia gave birth to her daughter Dawn she realized she needed to leave her current situation or run the risk of her daughter thinking it was alright for a man to mistreat a woman. A year later Olivia decides to use the settlement money from her divorce to purchase and renovate an old warehouse and turn it into a dance studio. The problem is her contractor has ditched on her. In steps local contractor Scott. He is best friend to Olivia's brother-in-law Wyatt. Olivia feels drawn to Scott but is afraid to let him get close, it doesn't help that Charlotte and Wyatt both are playing match maker with the couple. Her past with Will and her father makes it difficult for Olivia to open up and trust any man. Can Olivia learn to accept herself as she is, find value in the person she has become, and open up to a new relationship?

I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley for an honest review:

Victoria James writes truly amazing, heart warming, happily ever after stories. If you are looking for a romance that contains sexual encounters and/or love scenes you will not find them in her books but this by no means leaves the romance and intensity between the couples her stories lacking. James understands the value of a slow build between a couple using growth of character. In the first story we learn enough about Olivia to feel for the deeply abused woman and her beautiful daughter. In this book we find out that Scott has his own demons he has battled. Over the years he has had time to overcome them, he has built a nice life for himself and his daughter. His past struggles and who he is now makes him a relatable character. Ruby and Harry's current love story is scattered throughout the book. It is wonderful for both Ruby and Olivia to finally get their happily ever afters. This story is well written, the cover is gorgeous, and the characters are real and relatable. I fully recommend this book as well as any other book by Victoria James.

This book will be available October 11, 2022 but you can pre-order on Amazon
