Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Christmas Competition, The Mistletoe Book Club #3 (Susan Hatler)


The Christmas Competition

By: Susan Hatler

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)


Ruby Curtis is the proud owner of a doggie daycare, grooming, and training business in her small town of Christmas Mountain. Divine Doggie Spa and Training is so successful, Ruby doesn't have enough space to board all her clients nor enough room for her staff to function properly. When the local PE teacher dies, she leaves a rather large building to the community with very specific stipulations. A competiton between the Christmas Mountain business owners, the one who shows the most holiday spirit and receives the most votes wins the building. Ruby has her sights on gathering the most votes.

Conner Reed is the older brother to Ruby's best friend. The Reed family is one of the most prestigious in town. The Reed Bank has been in the family for generations and Conner struggles to prove to his father he knows how to run the business. If Conner can win the Christmas Competition he will finally be able to prove to his father he is willing to do what it takes to move the bank forward.

I was provided an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley and the Publisher, Hatch Publishing, for an honest review.

Conner and Ruby have a relationship that has developed and evolved throughout the years. Conner may have been the older brother to Ruby's best friend but there early years were friendly with some teasing; hence Conner's special nickname given to Ruby of 'Rudolph'. As they got older, their relationship blossoms, becoming closer, there is a mutual give and take. Over the years they have both come to realize that they feel something deeper for one another.

While reading 'The Christmas Competition' I had the urge to curl up on my couch, besides a warm fire with my favorite blanket, drinking a warm cup of hot chocolate. Ruby and Conner's story is exactly what I want to read during the holiday season. A beautiful love story between two people who have always had a deep respect for one another and who truly want the best for their partner. There is a lot of emotion throughout the story and I could feel the characters love and angst coming off the pages. 

'The Christmas Competition' is available for purchase immediately. 

Purchase Via Amazon

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Savoring Christmas Rodeo Romance Book 10, (Shanna Hatfield)

Savoring Christmas

By: Shanna Hatfield

Recommendation: 👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)


Troy Lucas gave up his dream of working the rodeo circuit to look after his grandmother and take care of the family ranch. Troy's Grammy raised him and his cousin Truitt since they were both toddlers; his sacrifice is the least he can do for the woman who took care of him. Now he has no desire to leave his small town life.

Lark Gibson is known as a 'Potato Princess'. Her family owns a very lucrative, very successful potato farm but Lark doesn't act like she comes from money. Lark has always wanted to be a chef. She went to culinary school and even had an opportunity to travel to France and study under some great chefs. Due to unforeseen circumstances Lark has returned home and hopes to raise enough money working her her food truck to start up her own restaurant in Portland.

Lark and Troy have both had difficult relationships in the past and neither is looking for anything serious. Since their chance encounter they have both been happy just being friends. Both work hard at their jobs and barely have time to spend with one another but fate seems to keep drawing them together. 

I was provided an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley and the Publisher, Wholesome Hearts Publishing, for an honest review.

'Savoring Christmas' is a wholesome romance with a sweet main female character and a good looking, physically fit cowboy. This is my first Shanna Hatfield story and the interactions with some of the other characters leads me to believe this story to be a spin off from her other series. Both main characters are truly likable with little to no character flaws. Troy has had struggles his entire life and contrary to what Lark claims she has had a pretty easy, carefree upbringing. It was a fairly easy read with tremendous sexual tension between the two characters throughout the book. With a name called 'Savoring Christmas' I expected a holiday story. Christmas didn't really make an appearance until the very end, a bit disappointing. 

Savoring Christmas is available for purchase immediately. It is available to read free with Kindle Unlimited.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

Christmas on Mistletoe Lake, (Robin Dunne)

 Christmas on Mistletoe Lake

By: Robin Dunne

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)


Growing up, Reilly Shore was never able to put down roots. Her parents would remodel their home, sell it, and move on to the next house. One thing Reilly could count on was that every other year she got to pick where and how they would spend Christmas. This year Reilly and her younger sister will be spending their holiday in Mistletoe Lake for the annual Christmas Harbor Festival. When Reilly arrives she finds that the local B&B is booked full.

A young girl named Emma, who Reilly runs in to at the General Store, offers for Reilly to stay on her family boat. Ray Mitchell, Emma's father, was not planning to enter his boat in the festival this year. Actually, he is looking to sell the boat he inherited from his father. To Ray, Mistletoe Lake no longer resembles the small town he grew up in. Can Reilly's energetic Christmas spirit help Ray to overcome his Scrooge attitude?  

I was provided an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley and the Publisher, Vinspire Publishing, for an honest review.

Christmas on Mistletoe Lake is a feel good holiday story with a happily ever after ending. Reilly and Ray are brought together completely by fate. Reilly is unhappy in her life, the year prior she ended her long term relationship and she is not completely happy with her work life. Ray is a single father who's childhood home is being overtaken by commercialization and tourism. Both are relatable characters and Mistletoe Lake is a beautiful romantic setting, even if it is changing. 

This story is actually a movie that has been converted to a book.

