Monday, December 19, 2022

Ancient Vengeance (Ancients Rising #6), Katie Reus


Ancient Vengeance (Ancients Rising #6)

By: Katie Reus

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)


In Nova, Stella lead a very sheltered life. Besides being a Princess, Stella's parents have been overly protective ever since her older sister was kidnapped. Now that her sister has returned, Stella is being allowed some freedoms. At her sister's wedding someone stole a crown and Stella has been charged with locating the culprit. Upon leaving her realm, someone shoots her with a very powerful poison.

Dragon shifter Rhodes has never known his family or what clan he was born into. At a very young age he was forced to learn to defend himself, because of this developed skill set he has found work as a paid assassin. Rhodes was hired by the Fae to kidnap Stella. After watching her for some time he realizes that Stella is not the danger to society the Fae said she was. Rhodes only kills those that are purely evil. He was following her when she was attacked and saved her life. Once Stella awakens, she and Rhodes agree work together to learn who attacked her and discover who took her families crown.

I was provided an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley and the Publisher, KR Press LLC, for an honest review.

Even though Stella has lived a sheltered, regal life, her character has strength and intelligence. Rhodes is a strong male character who has had a hard life and even though he becomes possessive of Stella he is never dominating. I love the world Reus has built in the 'Ancients Rising' series and the interlinked relationships between the characters from book to book. I eagerly look forward to the next installment in this series.

Purchase 'Ancient Vengeance' when it releases on December 27, 2022.

Monday, December 5, 2022

A Wish for Winter (Viola Shipman)


A Wish for Winter

By: Viola Shipman

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)


This year Susan Norcross is turning forty. Her whole life she has been waiting patiently to meet her 'Santa Claus'. Her grandparents and parents both have played the role of Santa and Mrs. Claus during the holiday season. Both her grandfather and father met their spouses while sporting a Santa cap.

Before her fourteenth birthday, Susan lost both of her parents to a drunk driver. After their deaths, Susan's grandparents took her in and raised her. After graduating college Susan returned to her small town in Michigan to take over the management of the family bookstore. 

During the annual Santa Run in Chicago, dressed as Mrs. Claus, Susan makes an instant connection with another runner who is dressed as Old St. Nick. Both runners agree to meet up at the end of the race but for whatever reason, Mr. Claus was a no show. When her close knit group of close friends find out about Susan's mystery man they make a pact to locate him and force Susan to agree to a series of blind dates until she finds Mr. Right.

I was provided an Advanced Reader Copy by NetGalley and the Publisher, Harlequin Trade Publishing, for an honest review.

Susan's story is one of great loss and need to find forgiveness. After losing both of her parents in a car accident, Susan finds herself struggling to forgive the man who caused their tragic deaths. Her parents deaths have instilled a fear in Susan to fall in love and care for another individual. Susan fears that whomever she grows close to will leave her just like her parents did.  

'A Wish for Winter' is a unique holiday story. Shipman brings to the book a lot of wonderful trivia and information about the area Susan and her family lives in. Susan and her family have a well developed and thought out back story.  I loved all of Susan's friends and their quirky personalities. Everything about this story and the characters felt like true to life experiences. 'A Wish for Winter' was a great holiday read.

Purchase on Amazon