Monday, May 29, 2023

You Can Die (Laurel Snow #3), Rebecca Zanetti


You Can Die (Laurel Snow, #3)

By: Rebecca Zanetti

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: FBI Special Agent Laurel Snow has agreed to take on the Violent Crimes Unit for the Pacific Northwest. Having just returned home from solving her most recent case on the east coast, Laurel is thrust into another serial killer case. Men are being brutally murdered, their bodies left near places of worship with Valentine's Day candy shoved in their mouths. All the deaths appear to tie back to one Law Firm. To complicate matters, Laurel is still trying to tie her sister to the last case she solved and her good for nothing father has returned to town. Even though the cases are occurring outside his jurisdiction, Washington Fish and Wildlife Captain Huck Rivers is available to assist Laurel as needed.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I have really enjoyed the Laurel Snow series. Rebecca Zanetti has hit another one out of the ballpark with this series. Zanetti has written such a perfect character with Agent Snow. Laurel is extremely intelligent and insightful, it's what makes her an amazing profiler. Having attended college at an early age she sometimes struggles with social cues and interpersonal interactions. Her ability to emphasize with others is something she constantly worries about but her concern for her employees and friends is real. Zanetti has contrasted Laurel with her older sister who is equally as intelligent but is a narcissistic psychopath. This third installment of the series I have enjoyed greater development of the secondary characters. I am excited to read the next murder mystery that Laurel and her team will solve.



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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Harbored in Silence (Aspen Pack, #4), Carrie Ann Ryan


Harbored in Silence (Aspen Pack, #4)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: The Aspen pack are being attacked on all sides and it seems the battle is never ending. The Coven has all been murdered and the Vampires continue their assault on the pack.

Dara is a Harvester Death Witch. She is tasked with finding a way to keep vampire magic from seeping into the pack wards and killing them all. To her, the only solution to the packs problem is to re-establish the Coven. Dara's plan is to reach out to old friends who were once ostracized by the prior Coven because of their unique powers. 

Cruz is the Heir to the pack. Should the Alpha fall, Cruz becomes the next Alpha. He and Dara have a strong connection. There is a link between them as well as potential for a mating bond; yet one has never been established. When Dara volunteers to venture out, in person, to convince her friends to join the fight, there is no way Cruz is letting Dara go alone.

While out on their search, Dara and Cruz are threatened by an unseen attacker. Dara has had to bring Cruz back from death once before, she doesn't know if she has the power to do it again. Even though they are mates and the mating bond will never take effect, she is determined to keep him alive.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I was excited to finally get Cruz's story. He is such an amazing character surrounded by a veil of mystery. Dara is a powerful witch who understands her place in life but because of her past she occasionally questions her powers. It is amazing to learn how the Aspen pack's story progresses and to see their continued ties to the Redwood pack. Carrie Ann Ryan has given us another amazing tale. Once I started, I couldn't put the book down. It was filled with action as well as answers to a couple burning questions. I fully recommend 'Harbored in Silence'.

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