Saturday, August 5, 2023

The Unmaking of June Farrow, Adrienne Young


The Unmaking of June Farrow

By: Adrienne Young

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

It has been some time since a book has brought out the emotions and feelings in me that I experienced when reading 'The Unmaking of June Farrow'. When I started reading I felt that this story was going to be huge and it didn't disappoint. I am in awe of the Adrienne Young's writing talent. She has perfectly created a complex world with overlapping timelines and deep characters without causing any sense of confusion for the reader. It is difficult to describe how stunning I found this story to be. I rarely become emotional when reading books or watching movies but the last quarter of this book had me laughing and crying. I grew to care deeply for June, Eamon, and Annie. Now that the story is over I feel a longing to return to Jasper and visit with the characters I grew to love.

The women in the Farrow family line suffer from a disturbing fate. They all eventually go mad. No one can explain what causes this infliction or when they will be impacted, they just know that each generation experiences the same curse. June Farrow's mother was taken by the madness prior to giving birth to June. She then left her baby behind to be raised by her grandmother while she disappeared for ever. Thirty-four years later, her grandmother has passed on, but she has left behind a number of mysterious clues that will lead June on a wild journey of discovery as to what really happened to her her mother and who June really is.

I am amazed by Adrienne Young's incredible story creation and whole heartedly recommend 'The Unmaking of June Farrow'. 

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for Purchase October 17, 2023


Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Stay Here With Me (The Wilder Brothers #5) Carrie Ann Ryan


Stay Here With Me (The Wilder Brothers #5)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

East Wilder has been a quiet force since the first installment of the Wilder Brothers series. I have been impatiently anticipating his story and Carrie Ann Ryan did not disappoint. I am madly in love with East and Lark. East is flawed and struggling with his past but that is what makes him so incredibly likable. I couldn't help but root for him to succeed. For a celebrity, Lark is down to earth and relatable. She enjoys a good night of drinking and karaoke with her best friend just as much as I do. She hates that because of her fame she is constantly in the spot light and the stories often published about her are untruthful but she understands that this is a part of the business.

Lark Thornbird has been a sing/songwriter since she was a teenager. She loves what she does and is amazing at her job. Recently, Lark has struggled with writing her next series of songs for her new album. She does have inspiration for a really great song that is based on one passionate night spent with East Wilder, but she promised him she would never write about him in one of her songs. Realistically, Lark has only once used a real person as her muse but the media assumes every one of Lark's songs is about someone, and usually that someone is an ex-boyfriend.

East Wilder did not know what he would do with his life after leaving the military. He witnessed some extremely horrific things while serving his country but so did all of his brothers. When he and his five brothers decided to purchase a hotel, winery, and event venue, East didn't think he brought anything of value to the team, but he has found his niche as their handyman. After he and Lark had one amazing night together he asked her not to write about him and she immediately went out and broke that promise with her next number one hit single.

There is one unspoken for Wilder brother left whose story needs to be told. I was sad to think the Wilder series was coming to an end but I believe Carrie Ann Ryan is going to expand this universe to include some hot and sexy Wilder cousins. I couldn't be more on board with this plan, I am absolutely excited. 

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.