Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Unbroken Queen (The Bone Throne 1) Terina Adams


The Unbroken Queen (The Bone Throne #1)

By: Terina Adams

Recommendation: 🌕🌕🌕 - (Out of 5 🌕)

Tressya has never really had a life that she could call her own. She is a princess but is the illegitimate daughter to the House of Tannard. Not only does Tressya have obligations to her family but she has also been trained as a disciple by the Sistern of Silence. The King's son will one day sit on the throne and his legitimate daughter has been promised in marriage to the prince of Tarragona in the hopes of forming a solid alliance. That was until the Mother of the Sistern intervenes, sending Tressya to Tarragona to meet her newly betrothed. Tressya knows that she and her family have been manipulated by the Mother to better an unknown cause supported byt the Sistern of Silence but she vows to serve her country in the role that has been placed before.

Tamas is the leader of a people who have existed for many centuries. Over time, his tribe have been forced further and further from their homeland, moving further north. The time has come for Tamas to lead his people in a battle to reclaim the Bone Throne, located in Tarragona. Tamas is descended from a long line of leaders. One of his ancestors was a human who mated with the Huungardred, a tribe of people who are half human and half beast. This gives Tamas a unique ability; he can shape shift.

The Unbroken Queen contains a large amount of unique mythology and background belonging to each of the main characters. The story is a romantasy with a dual point of view. I would give Tressya's chapters an actual rating of 3.5. Her back ground and storyline were easy to follow and flowed smoothly. Tamas' story was more confusing and slow. The mythos surrounding his people was reminiscent of the vikings but so much more; too much more. It was really too much to remember and stole from the focus of the main storyline. I like Tressya and Tamas together and enjoyed their joint chapters. I just really struggled with the Tamas centric chapters.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.



Sunday, April 14, 2024

Moments for You (The Wilder Brothers, 7) Carrie Ann Ryan


Moments for You (The Wilder Brothers #7)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 - (Out of 5 🌕)

Aurora, who is named after a Disney princess, is one of the most selfless individuals alive. After tragically losing her husband, five years ago, and then having her entire life fall apart, she answers the instagram post of a bride who's wedding dress was stolen. Aurora has wonderful memories from her wedding day in her dress and hopes this bride can create her wonderful own memories in the dress.

Ridge and his brothers purchased the land adjacent to their cousins resort in order to start their own distillery. All four of the Wilder cousins are fighting demons and Ridge is no exception. He has been keeping a secret from his family for the past two years. A secret that has been tearing him apart, the death of his girlfriend and unborn child.

Even though Aurora has kept mostly to herself since the death of her husband she has never let herself become bitter and hateful. I fell madly and deeply in love with Aurora and rooted for her success. I adore that once she was given an opportunity as pastry chef at Wilder Resort her focus was set on bettering herself, Ridge was a fortunate bonus in her new life. Don't get me wrong, she was attracted to him and wanted to be with him but if he moved on from her she was set on moving forward with her new job and friends. Her happiness was not dependent on a man. Having a mother who was widowed at the young age of 24 I find that on some level this story was completely relatable to me.  

I really enjoyed the first introduction to the Wilder cousins and am excited for the next installment.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for purchase April 22nd, 2024.


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