Monday, May 27, 2024

Last Minute Fiance (First Time, 2) Carrie Ann Ryan


Last Minute Fiance (First Time #2)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 🌕🌕🌕🌕 - (Out of 5 🌕)

We briefly met Luca Cassidy in 'Best-Friend Temptation' when his sister Greer fell in love with Ford and Noah and decided to become part of a poly relationship. The Cassidy men elected to move to Colorado to be closer to their sister in the hopes of getting to know her better and reverse some of the damage done by their parents. Growing up, Luca was an exceptional child who was able to skip grades in school and graduate early from college. Since moving he has established a veterinarian clinic with an old friend from university.

Addison Lily became quick friends with Luca when her best friend Devney fell for Heath Cassidy. Luca and Addison developed a very close friendship. Addison has always been good with numbers and worked hard to earn her position at a top financial firm. Unfortunately for Addison, the company has a 'Good Ole Boys' atmosphere and she has to work extra hard to gain any advancements within the organization. Sometimes this may mean not always playing by the rules.

When the two best friends get a lot drunk at a birthday party their true feelings come to light. One thing leads to another and Addison finds herself asking Luca to pretend to be her fiance at a work retreat in order to impress her boss. One thing leads to another and things unravel from there. The once best friends find that their relationship is quickly building into something more.

I absolutely adore the Cassidy siblings. The mental torture that these four endured at the hands of their parents, a couple that has been married and divorced three times, would have caused severe damage to any normal individual. Not to mention the not so brilliant idea of separating the children, boys with day and girl with mom, which caused the siblings to not truly get to know one another.

For all that Luca and Addison have endured, Luca with his family and Addison with her work, they have never become bitter individuals; both are very even mannered and unfazed. It was great to see their wonderful friendship evolve and grow. I was happy to see both characters development both personally and professionally. Even though the Cassidy siblings may not all have had one another to lean on when they were growing up, they are quickly learning that they can now rely on one another when things become difficult. What an amazing sentiment. 

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for purchase June 3rd, 2024.


Barnes and Noble

Saturday, May 4, 2024

A Wilder Wedding (The Wilder Brothers, 7.5) Carrie Ann Ryan


A Wilder Wedding (The Wilder Brothers #7.5)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 - (Out of 5 🌕)

Amos and Naomi have worked at the Retreat long before it was owned by the Wilder family. The two have had a rocky relationship; on again, off again, on again, and off again.

Naomi's family is self-centered, ungrateful, and down right ugly. Her father and her brother's expectations of Naomi are selfish and unfair. It is no wonder that Naomi calls the Wilder Retreat her true home and the Wilders her real family.

Amos has done the whole marriage thing before and majorly messed it up. He loved his ex-wife but refused to make the ultimate sacrifice to be with her. The repercussion was that he lost her and he lost his heart. Because of this he fears to love again.

Throughout the previous seven books you could feel the tension between Naomi and Amos. You knew something was going on between the pair but there was nothing tangible to let the reader know they were secretly seeing each other. 'A Wilder Wedding' is an emotional and heart wrenching story. As tears fell down Naomi's cheeks, so were they falling down my own. Amos' inability to vocalize his feeling for Naomi broke my heart but by the end of the couple's story he was able make things right.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for purchase May 13th, 2024.


Barnes & Noble