By: Kaylie Smith
Recommendation: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌓 - (Out of 5 🌕)
Genre: Romantasy, Fantasy/Romance
Phantasm per Merriam-Webster dictionary is a word first used in the 13th century and is defined as 'a product of fantasy: such as a delusive appearance: illusion; ghost, specter; a figment of the imagination.'
So what does that definition mean for a story like Phantasma? Phantasma is an elaborate show, a circus containing creatures of the supernatural, a high-stakes carnival where every game asks the player to gamble with one's life. Phantasma is an edge of your seat, can't put down, up all night binge read that left me wondering who to trust and who to believe.
Ophelia Grimm is descended from a long line of necromancers. One woman per generation in the family hold this mantle; utilizing features from witchcraft to act as the 'bridge between the corporeal plane and the other side, to bring life and energy to that which is dead and undead'. When Ophelia's mother dies un-expectantly, the role of necromancer passed to her. At the same time, she learned that her mother was seriously in debt and that she and her sister are close to losing their family home if they cannot pay off the outstanding loan.
As luck would have it, Phantasma has recently come to town and with it the opportunity to win Ophelia's hearts desire; but at what cost? Phantasma's levels mimic the nine levels of hell. The challenges influenced by the seven deadly sins. Phantasma is figuratively and literally a page out of 'Dante's Inferno', a race through the underworld with all the hellish type creatures you could imagine. Of course no trial would be complete without a love interest to reek havoc on Ophelia's mind and bring severe damage to her heart. With Blackwell, Ophelia learns more about herself and her strengths. She crosses into realms she never imagined herself capable. Blackwell has his own agenda and his own sordid history, one that is tightly woven with the Grimm family line. Blackwell and Ophelia have a love that transcends time, through countless generations, an undeniable destiny with a tragic beginning and potentially a tragic end. Once upon a time a heart was so freely given only to be violently torn out. The ultimate question is, can Blackwell mend the damage or will he finally destroy the one thing he has every desired?
I am a new reader of Kaylie Smith's and to say I was absolutely blown away would be a grave understatement. There are so many intricate and fascinating elements to this story. The levels of history, mythos, elements of fantasy, and character development are stunning and impressive. I am overwhelmed with all that I read. Very excited for the next installment.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Available for purchase or via Kindle Unlimited September 3rd, 2024.