Sunday, September 18, 2022

Mail Order Cowboy (Wishing River #4), Victoria James


Mail Order Cowboy (Wishing River #4)

By: Victoria James

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Hope Roberts and her daughter Sadie are trying to get acclimated to life in their new home. As a single mother who owns her own business, life is hard enough without the stress and cost associated with renovating a dilapidated, run down ranch. The ranch is Sadie's legacy, her inheritance from her paternal grandparents and Hope is dedicated making things work. 

Dr. Dean Stanton grew up living a very privileged life. His family owns one of the largest ranches in the Wishing River area and are extremely wealthy. Unfortunately, not everything is as it appears. Dean's father is an abusive man unable to love and care for his sons. He never talks about his upbringing because he doesn't want to be consider the 'poor little rich boy'.

Dean and Hope hanging out in the same circle of friends but their relationship is fraught. Hope blames Dean for the death of her husband and Dean has been keeping a huge secret from Hope. Regardless of what Hope believes, Dean only wants the best for Hope and her daughter and promises to help with the ranch. Unfortunately, there are outside forces that are working against Hope, compromising her success.

I received an Advanced Reader Copy from NetGalley and the publisher Entangled Publishing, LLC for an honest review.

'Mail Order Cowboy' takes us back to Wishing River. Victoria James has a wonderful talent for creating beautifully written stories with deep characters who are facing realistic life struggles. I fell completely in love with Hope, Sadie, and Dean and was rooting for their success. Hope was easily relatable. She is struggling with the loss of her husband, trying to raise her daughter to be a good human being, juggling work and managing the ranch. It would be so easy for her to just give it all up but she perseveres. Dean is the perfect complement to Hope. Even though he stands to inherit so much he strives to bring something more meaningful to his life. Dean wants a real family, he wants to stand on his own and be known for his successes, but he is afraid he is more like his father than he wants to admit. 'Mail Order Cowboy' is a great story with a wonderful ending.

'Mail Order Cowboy' is available to preorder and will be released on December 27, 2022.

Purchase - Amazon

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