Sunday, April 16, 2023

Playing It Tough (Sydney Smoke Rugby #8), Amy Andrews


Playing It Tough (Playing It Tough #8)

By: Amy Andrews

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: Ronan Dempsey is a young American playing rugby in Australia for the Sydney Smoke. He's a favorite with the ladies and is an admitted player but lately he has been off his rugby game. The team has a number of must win games coming up so Ronan needs to buckle down and eliminate the distractions. He decides to take a vow of celibacy until the season is over. His teammates do not think he can go without sex so Ronan ups the odds, betting each of them one hundred dollars.

For the past three years, Orla Stewart has lived a clean, healthy lifestyle. This includes her own vow of celibacy, or at least some warped version of it. In her younger years she had had a carefree attitude, living life on the edge, partying as if each day was her last. Tragic losses in her family led her to see how important it is to maintain a healthy body. To elevate her life philosophy, she uses her talent as a tattoo artist to create art over scars and disfigurements, giving back an element of control to those who have encountered tragedy. 

When Ronan's building is evacuated due to cracks in the foundation, he is offered the opportunity to stay in a friends pool house, the same pool house attached to the home Orla house sits for. The amount of sexual energy between the couple is off the charts making it difficult for two 'celebrate' people to contain themselves.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

'Playing It Tough' hit me so hard in so many ways. My ability to relate to Orla on multiple levels was overwhelming. What she has gone through in life is not my exact story but having my own surgical scars and disfigurements helped me to understand how she feels about her body image and the distance she places between herself and others. To take things to another level, I lost my own mother to cancer and the fear that cancer could happen to me is real. Ronan's ability to empathize with Orla's situation and except her as she is makes him a most beautiful human being. His level of selfless is unfortunately a rare trait in today's society. Orla taking her tattoo skills and applying them in a way to make others feel beautiful despite their scars is beyond amazing. She makes beautiful art with her beautiful soul. This story moved me. I highly recommend picking up 'Playing It Tough' and getting to learn Orla and Ronan's wonderful story.

You can buy 'Playing It Tough' starting April 17, 2023 or it is available for pre-order.


Barnes and Noble

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Bewitched (Bewitched #1), Laura Thalassa

Bewitched (Bewitched #1)

By: Laura Thalassa

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: Selene Bowers desires to be a member of the Henbane Cover. One of the biggest challenges that she must overcome is the loss of her memories every time she uses her magic. The coven challenges Selene, requesting that she go on a magic quest and obtain a familiar before admittance to the school. On her way to the Galapagos Islands her plane crashes and she is strangely drawn to an ancient tomb where she releases a mage named Memnon who has been asleep for over two thousand years. Memnon claims he and Selene have a bond that crosses over past lives. Can Memnon help Selene be the witch of her true potential or is he with her for personal nefarious reasons?

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Bewitched is more than a paranormal fantasy story. It has an element of thriller and mystery. Memnon is the irresistible, hot, bad boy. He confuses me, I feel I shouldn't be so attracted to him, I know I should probably hate him, at times he can be lovable. I can't quite figure him out. I am interested to see what happens with Selene in the next installment and hopefully will better understand if Memnon is worth all the chaos.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Rebel King (The Deviant King #2) Gina L. Maxwell

The Rebel King (The Deviant King #2)

By: Gina L. Maxwell

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: Tiernan Verran has earned his title as 'Rebel Prince'. He lives in Las Vegas and loves the Vegas life style.That was until his older brother was forced to step down as King of the Dark Fae. As second in line to rule the Night Court, Tiernan now finds himself with six months to learn everything he can to properly lead his people. With his new role comes great sacrifice, including staying away from the beautiful Fae female he has been enjoying his dalliances with.

Fiona Jewel has served the Verran family as house keeper for many years. Coming from a low caste family, she had no chance at becoming Teiran's mate when he was prince but even less so now that he is about to become King. She knew they were just having a fun time but it is hard to stay away from something you have grown so addicted to. When she and her mother are attacked by an anti-fae group, things become very personal and hit too close to home for Tiernan.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

OMG, Tiernan is hot and sexy! Fiona is hot and sexy! 'The Rebel King' is hot....steamy, and filled with my kind of fun. In 'The Rebel King', I was happy to see Maxwell address many main stream issues we are dealing with in society today such as racism, sexism and cultural bias. Tiernan comes across as a no holds bar, free for all, fun loving Fae but his ability to see life differently allows him to think outside the box and push for a better society for his people. Fiona is an independent female with no shame about where she comes from or where she is in life. She values herself and her worth. 

Maxwell has blown me away with The Deviant King series, it hits all the right chords with me.

The Rebel King is available to pre-order and will be released July 25, 2023


Barnes and Noble

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

The Bachelor Contract, Victoria James


The Bachelor Contract

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: After seeing what a mess his brother Cooper was after the death of his sister-in-law, Austin Merrick made a pact with his brother Brody to never fall in love. The loser gets the opportunity to name the winner's first born child. 

Mable (May) Peterson hasn't returned to her small home town of Maple Hill since the death of her mother ten years ago. Now, May has a daughter of her own and a desire to close the door on her horrible past. She is in Maple Hill to sell her childhood home and start a new chapter of her life far away from the life she once knew.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Victoria James has hit the ball out of the ballpark with 'The Bachelor Contract'. Every time I read a new story by James I am more amazed at the depth of her writing. This book hits on some very painful and tragic life situations. Both May and Austin are like minded in regards to relationships, neither wants a committed relationship but they both came to that conclusion from very different perspectives. In the opening chapter of the story my heart ached for the Merrick family and the loss of a dear and valued family member. At the same time I adore the person May became in life and the strength and persaverance it took for her to get beyond her childhood. James was able to write a story with the perfect balance of tragedy, hurt, happiness, and love. My favorite quote from the book was from Austin's brother Brody, 'I, too, have been concerned about Austin's hooliganism lately.' What an amazing word....hooliganism.

I am in awe of what Victoria James has the capacity to create and look forward to the next great James story.

The Bachelor Contract goes on sale April 17, 2023


Barnes and Noble

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Coming Home For Us (The Wilder Brothers #4) Carrie Ann Ryan


Coming Home For Us (The Wilder Brothers #4)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Synopsis: Maddie was the Wine Club and Tasting Manager long before the six Wilder brothers came along and purchased the winery she was employed at and turned it into what is now known as the Wilder Retreat and Winery. She was sure once they had a firm understanding of the business they would let her go but instead they made her feel like an important part of their family. In the early years, she had a huge crush on Elijah Wilder but he fell in love with Joy, a woman who would eventually become a close friend to Maddie. Over time, Maddie has grown to feel a need for something more. There is no opportunity for growth at the resort and she has begun to think it is time for her to move on to something different. But, it's tough to leave when you work with people you have grown to respect and love.

Out of the six Wilder brothers, Elijah's time in the armed service was comparably easy. He served as a meteorologist for the Air Force. Elijah saw his fair share of tragedies but suffered no personal injuries. When he and his brothers first purchased the winery he admittedly had a secret thing for Maddie but then he met Joy and fell in love. Tragically, two years ago, Joy died in an automobile accident leaving Elijah reeling from the loss. After Joy's death, he vowed to never love and lose ever again.

I was provided an Advanced Reader Copy and am voluntarily providing an honest review.

Carrie Ann Ryan always writes stories with relatable characters and storylines that have so much depth. Her characters have the capacity to grow and learn as the story progresses. Through the first three books, Ryan developed a slow building intensity with Maddie and Elijah's romance. Allowing us, the readers, to be voyeuristic participants whenever Maddie shared her feelings with her girlfriends. At first, I honestly disliked Joy but grew to like her character. How could you not like a person who was honestly kind hearted. I was shocked and saddened by her tragic death at the end of the last book. Both the main characters had to overcome great personal struggles throughout this book. Coming Home For Us was an amazing read with emotional rollercoasters throughout; happiness and pride for what Maddie and Elijah accomplished for the winery, great sadness while they both continued to deal with the fallout of losing someone they both loved, and don't forget about the steamy romance scenes. Both characters have more hurdles to overcome but I am happy to finally learn Maddie and Elijah's story. This story grabbed me so much, I read it in one sitting.

Coming Home For Us will be available for purchase April 10, 2023


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