Monday, December 18, 2023

Wild Magic, Alexandra Ivy


Wild Magic

By: Alexandra Ivy

Recommendation: 🌕🌕🌕🌔 - (Out of 5 🌕)

Unbeknownst to humans, the world is filled with supernatural beings. Peri Sanguis is a very powerful Mage. Even she doesn't know the capacity of her powers. Daughter of a witch who attempted to steal her power when she was sixteen, Peri lives outside New York City with her friends, working at a bookstore/cafe called the Witches Brew. When her mother and old coven mysteriously dies, Peri senses something is off about their deaths. She travels to the midwest to investigate.

Valen is a vampire who has lived millenniums. He oversees the territory that includes New York City. Valen has always had an interest and attraction for Peri even though Peri seems to not want anything to do with him. When Peri travels to her mother's ranch, Valen feels a need to accompany her in an effort to provide protection. As the duo finds out, Peri's evil mom has unleashed a powerful magic that hasn't been free in quite some time. This evil force leaves a trail of destruction and death across the midwest. The question to be asked is Peri strong enough to win a battle against such an ancient evil?

Wild Magic is a very unique story with an intense storyline. Many of the supernatural character traits and items found throughout the book are distinctive creations by Alexandra Ivy. Peri is an amazing female character who has overcome some extremely terrible things in her early life. I must admit that Valen gave me the creeps when he was first introduced but over the course of the book I grew to fall in love with him. Even though this book is not identified as part of a series, I believe Ivy plans at least two more books involving characters that are Peri's close friends. I am excited to continue reading more about these characters and this wonderful world.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for Purchase January 2nd, 2024:


Barnes and Noble

Friday, December 15, 2023

Frostbitten (Deep Ops #6) Rebecca Zanetti


Frostbitten (Deep Ops #6)

By: Rebecca Zanetti

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Millicent Frost is a very unique individual. As an agent for Homeland Security, she has had the opportunity to work with Angus Force's special ops team as an IT specialist. At a young age she and her brother end up living with their elderly great aunt and Millie would do anything for that woman. When she returns home to help with her great aunt's struggling out-fitter business she finds herself implicated in a murder.

Scott Terentson took a bullet for Angus Force. By extension he is a member of Force's team. When Scott finds out that Millie has been arrested for murder he drives to West Virginia to represent her as her attorney. Unfortunately for Scott, Millie has a great distrust for lawyers and doesn't want Scott's help. When three hired hitmen try to take Millie out, Scott combines his past skills as a marine with Millie's knowledge of IT to protect her and her family.

Rebecca Zanetti has a wonderful ability to successfully write across genres. There is nothing that she has written that I haven't loved. Frostbitten is by far one of Zanetti's best thriller masterpieces. I adore Millie's quirkiness and Scott's alpha male personality. The action was exciting and the entire book was a fast paced read. As with all of Zanetti's series, I love that a group of individuals can come together to form their own close knit family. I absolutely recommend this entire series.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for Purchase January 2nd, 2024:


Barnes & Noble

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Finding the Road to Us (The Wilder Brothers #6) Carrie Ann Ryan


Finding the Road to Us (The Wilder Brothers #6)

By: Carrie Ann Ryan

Recommendation: 👍👍👍👍👍 - (Out of 5 👍)

Elliot is the last single Wilder. This is his story. I always enjoy Carrie Ann Ryan's writing, she is on my automatic purchase list, but I think the Wilder Brothers series is my favorite all time favorite series. Ryan has a way of taking an extremely broken individual and healing their emotional and sometimes physical wounds.

When we left off with the last book in the Wilder Brothers series, Trace and Elliot were out for a hike when the ground literally fell out from underneath Elliot's feet. Barely hanging on the ledge, Trace attempts to help when he finds the earth moving beneath his feet. The suspense between books was unbearable, I was dying to know what was going to happen next. I did not see Sidney coming. The beginning of 'Finding the Road to Us' had me on the edge of my seat. I flew through the first few chapters absorbing everything as quickly as I could.

Sidney and Trace have similar upbringings. Although they both come from affluent families, they have not let that warp their sense of self or their values. Elliot followed in the footsteps of his older brothers and joined the military. Although he has never shared with his family about his time in the armed forces, he has his fair share of ghosts. These three individuals come together to form a perfect triad; are a most wonderful fit for on another. They fill the voids that each one of them has and make each other stronger.

I am excited to see what Carrie Ann has planned next for the Wilder family.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Available for Purchase December 11th, 2023:


Barnes and Noble